Monday, December 14, 2009

My stupid hair again.

Okay, I know I've wasted two haikus on the pain of growing out my hair in winter (aka "hat season"). This probably is a gross disarrangement of the zen calm that is supposed to accompany the art of the haiku. But seriously, the hat-on, hat-off process gives a whole new dimension to the concept of "fugly". [fugly = freakin' ugly]

It's not as if I have many options. Headbands, hair products, clips, etc. are great for not looking deranged every day. At the beginning. But add the darned (but necessary) hat? It takes me from "passable" to "oh, heck no, honey," in about five seconds. Yippee.

Yes, leaving the hat on is an option, if it's a beret. If it's the full Dr. Zhivago sheepskin thang I wear in sub-zero weather, it so isn't an option. Hey, I'm northern -that's the way it is. What's my alternative? Pneumonia, snapped off ears?

Upon further reflection, I think snapped-0ff ears are probably more fugly than my mashed, Albert-Einstein-on-steroids look. Of course, the fact that my mother has been making disapproving comments every time she sees me is not helping. "How long are you going to grow it?" (This is said in a 'what-are-you thinking' tone). "I just know you'll cut it all off the next time I see you." (This is said in a "please-God" tone.) Thanks, Mom. It may have been a mistake to allow her to think this was "our" hair. It isn't.

I'll look better by next Christmas, I'm sure.


  1. Why on earth do our mothers obsess on our hair length? I get the "isn't it long enough" question every time I am home, along with the "it drags your face down" (?) and "you'd look so much younger if it was shorter" comments. Well, hayell, mom, I LIKE it long (except on days when I forget to secure it before riding...snarls are NOT fun)
    Totally get the hat-hair thang...try a helmet every day!

  2. Don't know, but it's annoying. There are plenty of sharp remarks we could make in return, but we are too gracious. I, however, do feel a bit put upon. Unsolicited critiques are NOT conversation.
