Friday, July 30, 2010

Dita Dream

I want to be a
Fan dancer by age 50 -
What a way to go!

It may be early senility, or latent madness, but I want to be Dita von Teese when I grow up. There's a lot working against it - weight, glasses, varicose veins, a loathing of high heels - but, you never know.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tanka and Haiku du jour

Wanted - one good man
Not brat, prince, tyrant, or boss -
I only want a good man
Not one who acts good,
A faux Prince Charming.

Internet dating
Is like fishing - looking for
The pearl among clams.

I went to dinner with some friends who both were experimenting with internet dating scenes. Both told me not to be too honest about what I want, for fear of putting off potential dates. But, I said, that was my plan. Some people I want to put off. Maybe I'm not getting the spirit of the thing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another Day

Another work day
Hours of nothing to do
Tax dollars flow out

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sinus Day

The sun shines brightly
My face pounds and my thoughts slow
Drugs, caffeine, and time.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Haiku du Jour - Sugar wax

Sugar, water and
lemon juice make my bathroom
into my hammam

Haiku du jour - 071410

Weeding and mulching,
Dusk creeps in - I stop to watch
Fireflies dancing

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Suburban Mall

Despise not the mall,
The noisy, shiny market
That eats my dark moods.

Lily of the valley

Fragrant silver bells
Rise from a sea of green leaves
Joy enters the heart

I made this up for an online perfume draw - just trying to stand out from a sea of "pick me, pick me". Maybe it will work.